On 15th March, Shaw Theatres graciously extended 10 pairs of movie preview tickets to our #PetsClubFam for the movie DOG. The movie opens today (17th March 2022) in the cinemas.

Paired against their will, former U.S. Army Ranger, JACKSON BRIGGS (Channing Tatum), and LULU (a Belgian Malinois Army K9), race down the Pacific Coast to make it to their best friend’s funeral on time.
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Movie Review + Thoughts
DOG makes for an excellent relaxing night out, with a heartwarming story that moves at a leisurely pace, and peppered with American humour, the movie takes time to flesh out the similarities between Jackson Briggs (Channing Tatum) and Lulu's past experiences and struggles.
While most of us are not military veterans who suffer from PTSD, I'm sure dog rescuers and owners who adopted their dogs would agree - Often times, our dogs rescued us from our struggles just as much, if not more than how we saved them. It is possibly the same with Briggs and Lulu in this tear-jerking film.